Mathematical play

What is happening when we play?

  • What are the characteristics of play?
  • What causes it to be fun and enjoyable?
  • How do we interact with each other?

Characteristics of play

Why do we enjoy:

  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Mindcraft
  • Leggo
  • Rubix cubes
  • Sudoku
  • Mazes
  • Solving algebraic equations?

In the beginning, God delighted in bringing order and structure to chaos.

We too, are made in God’s image: ‘wired’ to manipulate numbers and solve mathematical puzzles. Its enjoyable!

Use technology for mathematical discovery and play.

Tell students why they are playing: the story is important!

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones

Proverbs 17:22

I loved studying Math. I needed God to show me why” Read Francis Su’s story