Category: Year 10
Activities: Pascal’s Triangle – Beautiful Number Patterns!
Students explore the beautiful number patterns contained within Pascals Triangle.
Theme: Measurement-Flourishing Through Play
God designed us to play. It is a “deep human desire, and…
Theme: Statistics-finding truth and applying wisdom
Jesus is the truth. However, humans have distorted truth, and we need…
Assignment: Measurement – Outdoor Chess Pieces
With the help of GeoGebra students design a chess piece and calculate…
Student Outline: Measurement-Flourishing Through Play
With God’s help, we can enjoy mathematical play, manipulating numbers, and using…
Discussion starters: Patterns and Algebraic Algorithms
Read: How social media algorithms are flattening culture. What decisions should be…
Introductory PowerPoint: Algebraic relationships – patterns and predictions
God’s built patterns into our world, bringing order out of chaos, and…
Assignment: Basketball Curves
Students investigate and model real-life scenarios that involve parabolas.
Teacher Outline: Patterns and algebraic relationships.
Students consider how technologies can be created, wisely utilised, and enjoyed, as…
Student Outline: Patterns and algebraic relationships
Algebraic language is written into every piece of technology that we use…
Theme: Patterns and algebraic algorithms
Wisely using patterns and algebraic algorithms in our communities Patterns can be…
My story: Wealth – being wise with God’s abundance
Financial knowledge allows us to be shrewd with our finances, and in…