To introduce the main idea for the unit:
- God’s built patterns into our world, bringing order out of chaos, and tasked us to do the same.
- We can use these patterns to plan, predict, and then build and create other mathematical ideas.
- However, humans use these to accumulate wealth and power and to attempt to control life and even death.
- The saving work of Jesus turns our hearts outwards: to make use of the patterns that exist in God’s world as we live in community and serve each other.
“As long as the earth endures,
Genesis 8:22
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease.”
Suggestion: Year 7-8 stop at slide 11
As students learn algebraic techniques and explore patterns and relationships, it is our prayer that they will grow in wisdom and be able to evaluate their place in our community. We pray that they will rise up with their generation to become a powerful influence to shape their communities and utilise the power of algebraic relationships applied in technology for the good of everyone.